[Update for v1.3 - 31 Aug 2013 - 5 stars]
Please, dont make any more changes to Memory Booster unless its a bug fix. And if it is a bug fix, please make sure to not tinker with what currently works. When I select Clean Memory, it now gives me what I feel is a proper number: From 50 mb of RAM, I went up to just over 2 gb of RAM. This is on a 4 gb of RAM MacBook which rarely starts with less than six applications, tools, or utilities. Basically, only Purge would give me back 2 gb of RAM before now.
Thank you for listening. I am pleased.
[Update for v1.2 - 08 Jul 2013 - 2 stars]
The threshold limit has been removed as I was able to go back down to 50 mb without Memory Booster fussing about it. Unfortunately, one problem remains: Improper memory cleaning. As my latest example explains: I was at 103 mb of RAM and I selected Clean Memory. The percentage counter was fast, but when it was done, I still only had 103 mb of RAM. I went to my Terminal window and used the Purge command as a test. I suddenly had 1.56 gb of RAM available to me.
While there are claims that the Purge command is a dangerous command to use, and we are told to use it wisely, applications like Safari which love gobbling up RAM like its at an all you can eat buffet forces me to use it. If Memory Booster worked as it did, Id be using the Purge command a lot less.
I would love if Memory Booster went back to what it did so well before v1.1: clean my computers memory as if it were the Purge command incarnate.
Expect another update when a new version comes out, because having used it when it was amazing, I firmly believe itll be amazing again one day soon.
[Review for v1.1 - 24 Jun 2013 - 1 star]
There are two things I liked about this program before version 1.1: 1) I could set the threshold limit to 50 mb; and 2) It would give me back a lot of my computers 4 gb of RAM. The one thing I didnt like about it was that it wouldnt load from start even when I told it to do so. I always had to load it manually, and would generally forget to do so until I started noticing how sluggish my MacBook had become.
Here we are with version 1.1. It was decided by Memory Booster that the threshold limit should be 383 mb. My 50 mb was automatically switched over when I opened the Preferences, and I cant bring it down any lower than that, which is something I dont like. When I go to clean the computers memory, it doesnt do it. I had 10 mb left, and upon asking the program to clean it up, it counted up to 100% and then gave me … nothing. I was still at 10 mb. However, Purge via the Mac Terminal gave me back 2 gb.
Until these items are fixed, Im going back to using the Activity Monitor and the Purge command. I had faith in this program before v1.1, and I have faith that it can be that good again, so Ill wait for the next update before trying it again.
The_Real_Taskmaster about Memory Booster - RAM Optimizer, v1.3